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}); $("#username").change(function () { validate_username(); }); $("#password").blur(function () { validate_password(); validate_confirm_password(); }); $("#password").keyup(function () { validate_password(); validate_confirm_password(); }); $("#password").change(function () { validate_password(); validate_confirm_password(); }); $("#confirm-password").blur(function () { validate_confirm_password(); }); $("#confirm-password").keyup(function () { validate_confirm_password(); }); $("#confirm-password").change(function () { validate_confirm_password(); }); $("#email").typeWatch({ callback:function(){ validate_email(); }, wait:250, highlight:false, captureLength:4 }); $('#email').keyup(function (event){ if (event.keyCode == 8) { validate_email(); } }); $('#email').keypress(function (event){ //if (event.keyCode == 9) { $('#create_my_account').focus(); return false; } }); $("#email").change(function () { validate_email(); }); $("#first_name").blur(function () { validate_firstname(); }); $("#first_name").keyup(function () { validate_firstname(); 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$.get("/users/check-username/" + $("#username").attr("value") + "/", {}, function (is_valid) { if( is_valid == 'true' ) { set_field_ok($("#username"), 'OK'); } else { set_field_error($("#username"), 'NOT AVAILABLE'); username_valid = false; return false; } }); } else { set_field_error($("#username"), 'This name is alreaddy in use'); return false; } username_valid = true; return true; } function validate_firstname() { first_name_valid = false; var fn = $("#first_name").attr("value"); if( fn == "" ) { set_field_error($('#first_name'), 'First Name'); return false; } var RE_NAME = /^([a-zA-Z\s'-]+){1,4}$/; if(RE_NAME.test(fn)) { set_field_good($("#first_name"), 'OK'); first_name_valid = true; return true; } else{ set_field_error($("#first_name"), 'INVALID FIRST NAME'); return false; } } function validate_lastname() { last_name_valid = false; var ln = $("#last_name").attr("value"); if( ln == "" ) { set_field_error($('#last_name'), 'Last Name'); return false; } var RE_NAME = /^([a-zA-Z'-]+)$/; if(RE_NAME.test(ln)) { set_field_good($("#last_name"), 'OK'); last_name_valid = true; return true; } else{ set_field_error($("#last_name"), 'INVALID LAST NAME'); return false; } } function validate_password() { if( $("#password").attr("value") == "" ) { set_field_error($('#password'), 'Enter Secure Password'); return false; } //var RE_PASSWORD = /^[A-Za-z\d]{6,30}$/; var RE_PASSWORD = /^.{6,30}$/; if( RE_PASSWORD.test($("#password").attr("value")) ) { set_field_good($("#password"), 'GOOD'); } else { if ($("#password").attr("value").length < 6) { set_field_error($("#password"), 'PASSWORD TOO SHORT'); return false; } else { set_field_error($("#password"), 'PASSWORD TOO LONG'); return false; } } return true; } function validate_confirm_password() { password_valid = false; if( $("#confirm-password").attr("value") == "" ) { set_field_error($('#confirm-password'), 'Confirm your Password'); return false; } if( validate_password() ) { if( $("#confirm-password").attr("value") == $("#password").attr("value") ) { set_field_ok($("#confirm-password"), 'OK'); set_field_ok($("#password"), 'OK'); } else { set_field_error($("#confirm-password"), "PASSWORDS DO NOT MATCH"); return false; } } else { set_field_error($('#confirm-password'), 'PLEASE CONFIRM PASSWORD'); return false; } password_valid = true; return true; } function validate_email() { email_valid = false; if( $("#email").attr("value") == "" ) { set_field_error($('#email'), 'Valid Email Address'); return false; } var RE_EMAIL = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/; if( RE_EMAIL.test($("#email").attr("value")) ) { set_field_checking($("#email"), 'checking availability...'); $.get("/users/check-email/" + $("#email").attr("value") + "/", {}, function (is_valid) { if( is_valid == 'true' ) { set_field_ok($("#email"), 'OK'); } else { set_field_error($("#email"), 'EMAIL ADDRESS IS IN USE'); return false; } }); } else { set_field_error($("#email"), 'NOT A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS'); return false; } email_valid = true; return true; } function set_field_checking(element, message) { element.next().removeClass(); element.next().addClass("note-checking explanation drkgray"); element.next().text(message); } function set_field_good(element, message) { element.next().removeClass(); element.next().addClass("note-good explanation drkgray"); element.next().text(message); } function set_field_ok(element, message) { element.next().removeClass(); element.next().addClass("note-ok explanation drkgray"); element.next().text(message); } function set_field_error(element, message) { element.next().removeClass(); element.next().addClass("note-error explanation drkgray"); element.next().text(message); } $("#regpendlink").fancybox({ 'padding':1, 'width':780, 'height':520, 'zoomSpeedIn': 300, 'zoomSpeedOut': 300, 'overlayShow': true, 'overlayColor':'#000', 'overlayOpacity':.7, 'centerOnScroll':true, 'hideOnContentClick': false, 'hideOnOverlayClick': false }); function querySt(ji) { hu = window.location.search.substring(1); gy = hu.split("&"); for (i=0;i
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